Know before you go

Abstract Book

All abstracts are published in Virchows Archiv, Volume 485, Supplement 1. 


Get the ECP 2024 App for your smartphone and experience the congress at your fingertips.
Stop carrying around piles of paper. Just take the congress with you, wherever and whenever you like.

  • Send questions to the chairpersons during a session
  • Quickly find your way through the most up-to-date congress schedule
  • Mark your favourite sessions and personalise your experience
  • Access vital information around the congress

The App is completely free and provides iPhone / iPad and Android users at ECP 2024 in Florence with on-the-go access to the most exciting interactive features of the congress.


Participants are kindly requested to wear their name badge at all times during the congress including the Opening Ceremony and Networking Reception.
The colours of the name badges have the following significance:

Yellow – Delegate of ECP
Purple – Faculty
Light Blue – Accompanying Person
Dark Grey – Exhibitor
Light Green – Delegate of Symposium on Molecular Pathology Diagnostics
Blue – Delegate of Computational Symposium
Red – Staff

Car Park

Parking spaces at Fortezaa da Basso or the surrounding area are not available and we strongly advise you to arrive by other means of transportation.

Certificate of attendance / CME certificate

On-site delegates: From 12 September 2024 on, you can print your CME certificate online at by logging in with your participant number, first name, last name and country. Your participant number can be found on your confirmation.

Virtual attendance: Participants viewing the recordings after the event has taken place are entitled to CME 
credits, in the same way as the participants to the live event. The CME credits are granted, as for the live event, on the basis of actual “participation”, i.e. how many hours of livestream or on-demand recording the participants have viewed. The maximum number of credits granted for watching the recordings will be the same as for the live event and cannot exceed this number whatever the number of sessions attended or viewed. A participant may not obtain credits for participating at the live event and watching the same sessions as recordings.

Access to all sessions (excl. Videomicroscopy Sessions) on-demand will be available until 11 October 2024 for non-members or 11 December 2024 for ESP members. Please note that certificates will not be sent automatically. If you watch several sessions on different days, please do not forget to request your updated certificate via the CME Portal again. Certificates must be requested until 13 December 2024 latest.

Certificates can be claimed here during the above-mentioned time slots.


A cloakroom can be used free of charge from Saturday, 7 September, afternoon, to Wednesday, 11 September 2024. The cloakroom is located in the entrance area of Spadolini Ground Floor at Spadolini Pavilion.

CME - Continuing Medical Education

The 36th European Congress of Pathology, Florence, Italy has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 30 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). 

Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

CME credits
full day
CME credits
CME credits
8 Sept 2024
9 Sept 2024
10 Sept 2024
11 Sept 2024

Coffee Breaks

Coffee and tea will be served free of charge to all registered delegates during the morning and afternoon coffee breaks, 09:30 – 10:30 and 16:45 – 17:15, from Sunday, 8 September through Tuesday, 10 September and from 09:30 –10:30 and 16:00 – 16:30 on Wednesday, 11 September. Coffee stations are located throughout Spadolini Ground Floor at Spadolini Pavilion.


E-Posters will be available on E-Poster Terminals in the poster exhibition on Spadolini Upper Floor. All E-Poster authors and poster presenters have been invited to upload their poster prior to the ECP 2024. All uploaded E-Posters can be searched for and viewed electronically on the 6 terminals from Sunday, 8 September to Wednesday, 11 September.

ESP Booth

The booth of the European Society of Pathology – ESP is located on Spadolini Ground Floor near the registration area.


The 36th ECP will be accompanied by a major technical exhibition taking place on Spadolini Ground Floor at Spadolini Pavilion.

Provisional exhibition hours
Saturday7 Sept 202320:00 – 22:00
Sunday8 Sept 202309:00 – 17:15
Monday9 Sept 202309:00 – 17:15
Tuesday10 Sept 202309:00 – 17:15

First Aid

First Aid will be provided during ECP tenancy hours at the Fortezza da Basso.
In case of emergency, please contact the staff at the congress counter.


The handouts are available in the congress portal via the Online Programme. Look for the session you are interested in, click the small arrow up/down icon in the top right corner of the session to open the session details and select the "Handout" button close to the respective talk to download.

Health and Safety

For the sake of all congress participants’ health and safety and to slow the spread of COVID-19, the ESP recommends

  • wash and sanitize hands often
  • avoid hand-shaking

Keep on keeping your distance! 
Your cooperation is appreciated.

How to get there (from the city centre)

It is important to know that Florence's main historic centre is relatively small so that it is easy to move around on foot. Using a car around Florence is not advisable, as there is little parking, many streets are pedestrian only and streets are often one-ways. A fleet of small electric buses also provide links between main key areas in the centre. Taxis are "stationed" at special taxi parking stands in most of the major squares and at the airport and they can be requested by phone. In Florence, the numbers for calling

By tram
The tramway is the ideal zero-emission transport to move around the city without worries. The congress and exhibition centre is connected to the motorway through line T1, and to the airport through line T2.

To Fortezza da Basso:                                                                                                                                                                                   Line T1: Stop – Fortezza Fiere e Congressi 
Line T2: Stop – Rosselli (550 m walking distance to the entrance of Fortezza da Basso)

By car
You can park at Villa Costanza – the first Drive & Tramway system in Italy – without exiting from the motorway. Villa Costanza is connected to T1 Leonardo tramway line: only a 22-minute ride away from Santa Maria Novella train station, at the very heart of Florence city centre.

Insurance / Liability

The ESP does not accept any liability for damages and / or losses of any kind which may be incurred by the congress participants or by any person accompanying them, during either the official activities or excursions.
Delegates participate in all tours / events at their own risk. Participants are advised to take out insurance against loss, accidents or damage that could be incurred during the congress.


The official language of the 36th European Congress of Pathology is English.

Lost Badge

Please note that your name badge is your entrance validation. If you lose your name badge you will be charged a EUR 50 deposit for a new one. In case you can present both badges later, the EUR 50 deposit will of course be refunded. Please contact our staff at the registration counter.

Lunch Breaks

Lunch is served from 13:00 to 14:30 from Sunday, 8 September through Tuesday, 10 September 2024 and 13:00 to 14:00 on Wednesday, 11 September 2024. The catering stations are located throughout Spadolini 
Ground Floor at Spadolini Pavilion.

Poster Exhibition

Poster sessions will be held from Sunday, 8 September to Wednesday, 11 September 2024 at Spadolini Pavilion (Upper Floor) of Fortezza da Basso. These sessions offer an effective forum for the exchange of information and a means to communicate ideas, research and programmes. Poster authors are required to be available for questions and further information at their poster board during the morning session break (09:30 – 10:30) from Sunday to Wednesday.
Posters are changed daily and are on display for the entire day of the respective poster session. They are sorted by topics and will be numbered within those topics. The best posters of each topic will be presented during the afternoon coffee break (16:45 – 17:15 Sunday – Monday, 13:15 – 13:45 and 16:00 – 16:30 Wednesday in the poster exhibition on Spadolini Upper Floor at the E-Poster Terminals). The poster exhibition is open to all registered delegates:

Poster Discussion Times for

> PS-01 to PS-07
Sunday, 8 Sept 2024:            09:30 – 10:30

> PS-08 to PS-16
Monday, 9 Sept 2024:           09:30 – 10:30

> PS-17 to PS-21
Tuesday, 10 Sept 2024:           09:30 – 10:30

> PS-22 to PS-27
Wednesday, 11 Sept 2024:     09:30 – 10:30

Interested participants can meet the authors for discussions of their poster presentation during the time of the poster presentation.

Posters need to be put up and dismantled on the day of the respective poster session within the following times:

Sunday, 8 Sept 2024: 07:30 – 09:00
Monday, 9 Sept 2024: 07:30 – 09:00
Tuesday, 10 Sept 2024: 07:30 – 09:00
Wednesday, 11 Sept 2024: 07:30 – 09:00

17:00 – 18:00 on the day of the presentation.
Posters which have not been removed within the indicated dismantling time will be disposed of.

Prayer Room

The Prayer Room is located on the ground floor of Palazzina Lorenese, which is located opposite Spadolini Pavilion. Please ask staff at the registration counter for directions.

Programme Changes

The organisers cannot assume liability for any changes in the congress programme due to external or unforeseen circumstances. 

We recommend using the online programme for an up-to-date version of the programme.

Registration, on-site

On-site registration will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority will be given to pre-registered delegates. Depending on the number of on-site registered delegates, availability of congress material may be limited.

Registration Counter

The Congress Counter is located in the entrance area on Spadolini Ground Floor at Spadolini Pavilion.

Opening hours
Saturday7 Sept 202416:00 – 20:00
Sunday8 Sept 202407:00 – 18:00
Monday9 Sept 202407:00 – 18:00
Tuesday10 Sept 202408:00 – 18:00
Wednesday11 Sept 202408:00 – 17:30

Registration Fees - on-site attendance

ESP Members, Non-Members, Residents and PhD students

  • Admission to all scientific sessions
  • Admission to Networking Reception
  • Admission to poster exhibition (on-site and online) and technical exhibition
  • Coffee breaks and lunches from Sunday to Wednesday
  • Congress material (delegate bag, final programme etc.)
  • Access to all* scientific sessions on demand (until 11 October 2024 for non-members or 11 December 2024 for ESP members)

* Videomicroscopy Sessions will neither be live streamed nor recorded.

Additional Symposia (Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium / Computational Symposium)

  • Admission to all sessions of the respective symposium
  • Admission to poster exhibition (on-site and online) and technical exhibition on the day of the symposium
  • Access to all symposium-related on-demand content (until 11 October 2024 for non-members or 11 December 2024 for ESP members)

Registration Fees - virtual attendance

ESP Members, Non-Members, Residents and PhD students

  • Access to all* scientific sessions (including Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium (MD) and Computational Symposium (CP)) during live congress hours.
  • Access to all* scientific sessions on demand (until 11 October 2024 for non-members or 11 December 2024 for ESP members)
  • Access to digital posters/E-Posters

* Videomicroscopy Sessions will neither be live streamed nor recorded.

Additional Symposia (Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium / Computational Symposium)

  • Access to all sessions of the respective symposium during live congress hours
  • Access to all symposium-related on demand content (until 11 October 2024 for non-members or 11 December 2024 for ESP members)
  • Access to digital posters/E-Posters

Sightseeing (Walking) Tour of Florence for accompanying persons

Advance registration for a 2,5 hours sightseeing walking tour for accompanying persons is required. Please contact and choose one of the below dates: 

Sunday, 8 September 2024 - 14:00 - 16:30
Monday, 9 September 2024 - 10:00 - 12:30
Tuesday, 10 September 2024 - 14:00 - 16:30

Tours start and end at the Fortezza da Basso. Tour tickets needs to be picked up at the Social Counter.
Tickets for on-site booking are subject to availability.

Social Programme

> 7 September 2024 · 19:00 – 22:00
Spadolini Pavilion, Fortezza da Basso
The ESP Foundation has kindly assumed the respective costs as a hospitality gesture for all delegates attending on-site in Dublin. 

> 10 September 2024 · 20:00 – 21:15
Palazzo Vecchio, Salone de 500
Member (cost contribution): EUR 25
Non-Member (cost contribution): EUR 50

> 11 September 2024 · 20:00 – 00:00
Nazioni Pavilion, Fortezza da Basso
Member (cost contribution): EUR 25
Non-Member (cost contribution): EUR 65

Availability is limited, so tickets for the social events will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Please purchase your ticket at least two days prior to the event at the socials counter. Food and drinks are included in the ticket.

Speakers' Lounge

Invited speakers of scientific sessions are welcome to spend time in the Speakers' Lounge in Meeting Room 5 & 6 on the first floor of Palazzina Lorenese, which is located opposite Spadolini Pavilion.

Speakers' Preview Room

The Speakers' Preview Room is located on Spadolini Lower Level at Spadolini Pavilion. If you are a speaker and have not uploaded your presentation prior to the congress, please turn to the technical staff in Liffey Meeting Room 1 for a late upload. This is possible one day before presentation, but at the latest one hour prior to the presentation.

Due to time and technical reasons we kindly ask the speakers not to use their own notebook. In the Speakers' Preview Room there are several PC working stations, where speakers can work on their presentation charts in a quiet area. Technical staff will be happy to assist.

Opening hours
Saturday7 Sept 202415:30 – 19:30
Sunday8 Sept 202407:00 – 17:30
Monday9 Sept 202407:00 – 17:30
Tuesday10 Sept 202407:45 – 17:30
Wednesday11 Sept 202407:45 – 17:30


Taxis are "stationed" at special taxi parking stands in most of the major squares and at the airport and they can be requested by phone. In Florence, the numbers for calling a taxi are: 
+39 – 55 – 4242 
+39 – 55 – 4390 
+39 – 55 – 4798 
+39 – 55 – 4499


Fortezza da Basso
Viale Filippo Strozzi 1
50129 Florence


WiFi areas in the foyers and exhibition allow easy access to the Internet. Please select the WiFi network ECP2024, the password is also ecp-2024.